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شما می توانید همراه با این وبلاگ کتاب های total english را نیز یاد بگیرید

آموزش زبان انگلیسی

شما می توانید همراه با این وبلاگ کتاب های total english را نیز یاد بگیرید

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What elseچه چیز دیگری

Who elseچه کس دیگری

How elseپس چطور از چه راه دیگری

اعداد ترتیبیordinal number



Third 3rdسوم

در بقیه ی موارد برای ساختن اعداد ترتیبی از پسوند th استفاد ه می کنیم










برای نوشتن تاریخ چندین راه وجود دارد برخی ماه را قبل از روز می نویسند بر خی روز را قبل از شماره ی سال از ویرگول می توان استفاده کرد

March 21st 1970

21st march 1970

برخی حرف هایی th, nd st., که به دنبال روز می نویسند حذف می شود  October 18,1980

اسم ماه ها اغلب به صورت کوتاه نوشته می شوند

15 Nov,1980

می توان تمامتاریخ را به عدد نوشت

اما در آمریکایی و بریتانیایی متفاوت است آمریکا ماه را اول می نویسند در بریتانیا روز را اول

ششم آوریل1977 6.7.77   بریتانیا

چهارم ژوئن 1977 6.4.1977 آمریکا

words and key sentences

Really واقعا

 cute جذاب قشنگ

Who is that?آن کیه

a picture ofعکسی از

 when وقتی که

he was a baby او کودک بود

Yes, this is my son when he was exactly one day old. این پسرمه موقعی که دقیقا یک روزه بود

exactly دقیقا

the day he was born روزی که متولد شد

He was born ten years agoاو ده سال پیش متولد شد .

It was his tenth birthday this monthاین ماه دهمین تولد او بود.

 birthday party جشن تولد

wow وای تعجب

Happy birthday تولدت مبارک

How old am I? من چند سال دارم

When was I born? من کی به دنیا آمدم

You were born todayتو امروز متولد شدی.

one day old یک روزه

I’ll mark your birthday on the calendar.روز تولد شما رو در تقویم علامت می زنم

mark علامت

date تاریخ

What’s the date today? امروز چندم است

let me see. اجازه بده ببینم

the day is the ninth چهارشنبه روز نهم است

Its Wednesday the ninth. چهارشنبه روز نهم است

You were born  Wednesday  the ninth of august 1989. شما در روز چهارشنبه نهم اوت 1989 متولد شدید


At the workshop

AT THE WORKSHOP C: Well, am I a person now?
Why not? have a personal identity.
Yes, but it’s not complete.
Why isn’t it complete, what else do I need to know about
Well, you need to know how old you are.
C: What does that mean?
It means you know when you were born. Let me show the picture of my children again. My boy is just over ten years
old. My girl is just over five years old.
C: They don’t look old.
No, they’re not old. They’re young. But when we talk about a person’s age, we say he or she is so many years old.
C: Oh
I see. F: Now look at this picture.
C: Ha
... ha ...
ha, Koochi, Koochi, koo, really cute who is that? F: It’s my son.
C: You have two Sons,
No, I only have one son, but this is a picture of my son when he was a baby.
C: Ah
hmm, cute baby? F: Yes, this is my son when he was exactly one day old, the day he was born, ten years ago. C: I see. He was born ten years ago. F: That’s right. It was his tenth birthday this month; this was his birthday party,  

C: Oh, wow! Happy birthday. When is my bwthday? How old am I? When was I born?
F: Well, you were born today.
C: Then I’m a baby.
F: No,you’re a robot.
C: Uh, but it is my birthday I’m one day old.
F: Yes, yours one day old. Happy birthday.
C: Thank you.
F: I’ll mark your birthday on the calendar.
C: Good.
F: Wow! What’s the date today; let me see, the day is the ninth; it’s Wednesday the ninth. You were born Wednesday the
ninth of August 1989.
C: Chips’ birthday, wow!
F: Oh.
C: I’m sorry. What else do I need to know about my personal identity?
F: Well, you know your date of birth, when you were born. Now you need to know your place of bfrth, where you were born.
C: I know that, I was born here, this place, your workshop.
F: That’s right.
C: What else do I need to know?
F: You need to know your nationality.
C: Nationality? What’s that?
F: This is the world.
C: The world! Very nice.
F: The world is made up of nations: China, India, Italy, Germany, Spain, Brazil.
C: Lots of nations.
F: If you were born in China, you’re Chinese; if you were born in India, you’re Indian; and if you were born in Italy, you are


Italian, and so on. C: I was born in the workshop, so I’m workshopian. F: Ha) ha, ha, ... No, the workshop isn’t a nation) Canada which is a nation; so ..?
So, I’m Canadian.


W: A woman,
M: A man;
I; I am; I’m a woman.
M: I’m a man. You; you are; you’re a woman.
W: You’re a man. He; he is; he’s a man.
M: She; she is; she’s a woman.
W: We; we are; we’re women.
M: We’re men. They; they are; they’re women.
W: They’re men.
M: A chair;
W: It; it is; it’s a chair.
M: It’s a table. I’m sitting down; I’m sitting on a chair at a table.
W: I’m standing up; I’m standing on the ground. He is sitting.
M: She’s standing.
M & W: We’re standing.
W: You’re standing.
M: You’re sitting.
M & W: We’re sitting.
M: They’re sitting. They’re standing. They’re walking. They’re talking.
M: He’s giving her a flower.
M: She’s giving him a
... W: He’s giving us a look.
M: I’  m leaving them alone. 

Words And key Sentences a woman
a man
I’m sitting.
من دارم می نشینم نشسته ام
sit down
stand up
بلند شو
I’m standing.
من دارم بلند می شوم
They’re walking. walk
آنها دارند قدم می زنند
They’re talking.
دارند صحبت میکنند
You’re sitting.
تو نشسته ای
give a look
نگاه کردن نگاه انداختن

I’m leaving them alone.من آنها رو راحت می گذارم
leave somebody alone
کسی را راحت گذاشتن


break time 2

you admit having broken into the same dress shop four times

what did you steal?!

a dress for my wife, but she made me change it three times.

شما اعتراف می کنید که چهار بار به همان لباس فروشی دستبرد زدید

شما چه دزدیدید

یه لباس برای همسرم،اما مرا مجبور کرد که سه دفعه آن را عوض کنم