Do you know? Recording 1 i supermarket z restaurant 3 cinema 4 camera 5 doctor 6 football 7 bus 8 television 9 pizza 10 tennis 11 taxi 12 police 13 university 14 telephone 15 hotel Do you know? Recording 2 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, Do you know? Recording 3 a, b, c. d, e, f. g. h, I, j, k, I, m, n, o, p. q, r, s, t, u, V. w, x, y, z Do you know? Recording 4 i listen 2 read 3 write 4 speak 5 match 6 repeat 7 look Do you know? Recording 5 Sorry. I don’t understand What’s Hola’ in English? Can you say that slowly, please? Excuse me. can you help me? Unit 1 Recording 1 RReceptionist G—Guest R: Good morning. G:Good morning. R: Welcome to Easton Hotel. G:Thank you. Photo A AAlonzo C=Camila A: Hello. I’m Alonzo Moreno. C: Hello. I’m Camila Diaz. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Photo D JJames NNina J: Hi Nina. N: Hi James. Photo B MMaria HHetga M: Hello. I’m Maria Hofmann. What’s your name? H: I’m Helga Peters. Photo C Unit 1 Recording 2 i Good morning. 2 Welcome to Leonard Hotel. 3 Hello. 4 Nice to meet you. 5 Hello. What’s your name? Unit 1 Recording 3 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Unit 1 Recording 4 R=Receptionist CCristina R: Hello. C: Hello. I’m Cristina Branco. R: Welcome to Bally Hotel, Miss Branco. You’re in room 329. C: Thank you. R: Thank you. Unit 1 Recording 5 I AAuguste BBetty A: Good morning. B: Good morning. 2 A=Auguste C’Camilla A: Good afternoon. C: Good afternoon. 3 A=Auguste DDaniel A: Good evening. 0: Good evening. 4 A=Auguste P=People A: Good night. P:Good night. Unit 1 Recording 6 a, b, c, d. e, 1, g, h, i, j, k. I, m, n, o, p. q, r, s, t, U, v, w, x, y, z UnIt 1 Recording 7 ahjk/bcdegptv/flmnsxz/iy/ o/quw/r Unit 1 Recording 8 a India 2 Australia 3 Argentina 4 Japan 5 the US 6 Brazil 7 the UK 8 Germany 9 Italy io Poland Unit 1 Recording 9 1 M’Martin S=Sunny M:Sunny Deva? 5: Yes. M: Hello. Mr Deva. I’m Martin. Welcome to the UK. 5: Thank you. 2 R=Rachel A=Ana R: Ana Goncalvez? A:Yes. R: Hello, Mrs Goncalvez. I’m Rachel. Welcome to Germany. A: Thank you. 3 AAbby N=Nicole A: Nicole Redman? N:Yes. A: Hello, Ms Redman. I’m Abby. Welcome to the US. N:Thank you. | Unit 1 Recording 10 A: Coffee? B:Yes, please. 2 WWaiter C=Custorner W: Black pepper? C: No, thank you. 3 P=Peter D=David P: Hello. I’m Peter. 0: I’m David. Nice to meet you. 4 Woman: Excuse me, 5 Man: Oh! Sorry! 6 A: He’s Ronaldinho. He’s from Brazil. B: Pardon? A: He’s from Brazil. Unit 1 Recording 1 1 I Woman: You’re in room 829. 2 T=Todd J=Janice T: Hello. I’m Todd Williams. J: I’m Janice Simpson 3 K=Karen frJanlce K: Hi Janice. J: Hi Karen. Come in. K: Thank you. J: Coffee? Unit 1 Recording 12 LLuisa B=Boris A=Andy A: Hi Boris. B: Hi, Andy. This is Luisa. A: Nice to meet you. Luisa. 1: Nice to meet you, too. Unit 1 Recording 13 AAndy L=Luisa 1: Where are you from, Andy? A: I’m from the US. 1: Where are you from in the US? A: I’m from New York. Where are you from? 1: I’m from Argentina. A: Where are you from in Argentina? 1: I’m from Rosario. Unit 1 Recording 14 a Where are you kn? 2 Where are you from in Poland? 3 I’m from Warsaw. Unit 1 Recording 15 Australia: six, one. Brazil: double five. China: eight, six. Japan: eight, one. Mexico: five, two. Russia: seven, Spain: three, four. Turkey: nine, o. The UK: double four. The US: one. Unit 1 Recording 16 1 M=Man WWoman M: Directory enquiries. W: The Lamden Hotel, please. M: Where is it? W; It’s in Rome, in Italy. M: Thank you. Machine: The number Is: double o — three — nine — six—eight — one — two — nine — four — one. I repeat: double o -. three nine — six — eight — one — two - nine — four — one. Unit 2 Recording 1 i mother son 2 father daughter 3 sister brother 4 father son 5 wife husband 6 mother daughter Unit 2 Recording 2 a mobile phone 2 phone 3 phone number 4 email address s computer 6 website 7 photo 8 passport 9 first name io surname ii address Unit 2 Recording 3 L=Liz SSabrlna L: Ooh! Who’s he? 5: Carl? He’s my brother. He’s 26 years old. L Twenty-six? I’m twenty.six. S: You’re thirty.six! L: Oh, yes. 5: She’s my sister, Anna. She’s thirty-two. And he’s my father, Marek. He’s from Poland. He’s sixty. 1: Who’s she? 5: She’s my mother, Sofia. She’s from Italy. She’s fifty-seven. And my daughter, Sarah. She’s one. And my son, Tom. He’s three. 1: Ooh! Who’s he? S: He’s my husband, James. 1: Oh! How old Is he? 5: He’s forty. |